Hiatus Hell

Been quiet awhile… I’ve had a lot of stuff going on in my real life, so the game has dropped by the wayside.

In particular, I’m going through a divorce. It was a short marriage, and quite frankly a serious mistake, but dealing with the legal and bureaucratic nonsense is enough to drain anyone of their energy. On the plus side, the house is much more quiet and easy to work on vintage gaming in. 🙂

About picking back up on the game… I was in the midst of getting the spell FX off the ground and re-writing the effects code. I also got back into World of Warcraft, though, and it’s a definite truth you can’t both play and write games at the same time.

I think I was in the middle of trying to convert the effects system to a data-driven routine… Time to blow off the dust and get the gears grinding again!

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6 Responses to Hiatus Hell

  1. Stu says:

    sorry to hear things didnt work out in your personal life.

    if you go a data drive route will you remove that code to disk or embed the data in the exec? is this something that will save you code space in the end? or doing it just for cleaner design?

  2. Adamantyr says:

    Thanks Stu!

    Data-driven in this case is still code, it’s just the method used. I’ll have a post up in the next few days showing the work. It’s mainly done to optimize and get more efficient and easier to maintain code.

  3. Lola says:

    You know what they say about opportunity knocking, and doors closing and windows opening (so that you can throw horrible soon-to-be-ex-wives out of them)…I am not sorry to hear of your divorce, but your game updates here make me happy 😀 Keep up the good work!

  4. Calibrator says:

    So does that mean that I can move your bookmark from the “check monthly” to the “check weekly” folder now?

    Good to read that you have time again for your baby – I hope you still try to reach your goal (= finishing it in 2013)…

  5. Stuart says:

    Sorry to hear about your divorce, but it sounds like it’s for the best and you’re taking it in your stride.

    Are you planning on making the source available? I’d like to port it to another retro platform (and maybe a homebrew one).


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